Morning having my breakfast, open pc and gaming...
This couple days, I'm fully addicted by poker...
My gosh... Gamble!!!
In the noon, I went to Lan Zhong to watched basketball match. It's Borneo City Cup. There include Miri, Brunei and Kota Kinabalu...
I'm going to watching the final only... Hahax... It's a nice match... KK really strong enough, but Miri is stronger^^
Nite, I went to Eastwood Valley Golf and Country Club,Miri. Here's the ticket...
Firstly, I don't know what's the event about. And I didn't go and ask. After saw the ticket, just realize is the SUPP 50th Annivesary Dinner... Coz the ticket is given by my uncle... So I just go with my brother and my mum...
Is a very huge event man!!! 500+ table, can't imagine... Road extremely jam...
Can't imagine, I saw many friends there too...
The 1st dish, is something call "冷盘"... Is nice!!! I eat a little bit only coz not enough!!! The 2nd dish, "海参汤"... Yummy, the 1 i like the most...^^ continue with “药材鸡”... I eat a bit only... Fat!!! Then follow by “羊肉”,“杨州炒饭”... In the middle of our dinner, there's some auntie go for the stage to dance... Is funny^^ Lolx...
Cutting a huge cake with 50th anniversary at the top of the cake... I don't dare to took ant picture... Hahax... Whole nite, I drink chinese tea>.<
Afterthat, go home lu...
Very full a~ SUPP.... =.=
I support??? Just go for dinner^^ If no go, "rugi" lor the ticket... Lolx...
Monday again... Start my revision lor...
Jia you to all my friends that gonna having exams!!!
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